The Immeasurable Love of God: A Simple Plan for All
Sermon by Russ Roberts - Sunday 9/24/25
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In today's lesson, we delve into the immeasurable love of God. It's a love so profound that it's challenging to fully grasp. This love is encapsulated in one of the most well-known verses in the Bible, John 3:16, which reads, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." At first glance, this verse may seem straightforward, but the deeper you dive into its meaning, the more profound it becomes.
The Nature of God's Love: When we talk about God's love, we must understand that God is love. It's not merely that God loves, but His very nature is love. Everything He does, including revealing Scripture, chastising us, extending grace, and more, is rooted in His love for us. We should never assume that we know better than God, for everything He allows in our lives, He does out of love.
God's Love Demonstrated: One way to understand love is by looking at what one is willing to give up for it. In the case of God, He gave up His only Son, Jesus, for us. This sacrifice is profound, and it's essential to grasp its significance. When we read about Simeon in Luke 2 or the prophets in 1 Peter 1, we see that even heavenly beings didn't fully understand the depths of God's plan until it unfolded. The angels themselves marveled at God's decision to send Jesus to Earth.
Isaiah 53 provides a poignant description of the suffering Jesus endured for our salvation. It was not an easy or casual decision for God; it pleased Him because He loved us.
God's Love in Action: God's love is also seen in the fairness of His expectations. He offers us a simple plan of salvation, one that anyone can follow. Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch's encounter in Acts 8 illustrates this simplicity—belief followed by baptism. Similarly, Naaman's healing from leprosy in 2 Kings 5 is a reminder that God's instructions are straightforward, and all He asks is our obedience.
God's Love for All: God's love is accessible to everyone. It's not limited to a select few or a particular group. In the Great Commission, Jesus instructs His disciples to make disciples of all nations, emphasizing that the Gospel is for everyone. This love is inclusive and extends to every person who has ever lived and will ever live.
In conclusion, the immeasurable love of God is a profound and awe-inspiring reality. God gave His Son, provided a simple plan for our salvation, and offered it to all humanity. As we reflect on John 3:16 and the depths of God's love, we should be humbled and grateful for the incredible gift of salvation made possible by His immeasurable love.