Christians dedicated to following the teachings of God, and of His Son Jesus, as found in the Bible

  • At Cypress Grove Church of Christ, We are a group of Christians dedicated to following the teachings of God, and of His Son Jesus, as found in the Bible.

  • We are a congregation of people who care deeply about one another as God has instructed us to love one another.

  • We strive to live our lives in a way according to His Word and, therefore, we will be pleasing to Him.

  • We believe that the Bible contains the words of God sufficient unto salvation, and that we must follow and apply those words to our lives every day.

  • We're on a mission to teach our friends and neighbors that life eternal through God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, is available to all.

  • We strive to be just "Christians" - men and women following the Bible as best we can and encouraging one another as we go.

  • When we sin, we repent and ask God's forgiveness, and strive to do better next time. 

  • We are strengthened by our relationships with each other.